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Connecting with your would be doctor children

Connecting with your would be doctor children

Being a parent of an adult child is a task in itself. There is a generation gap. Then there is new technology which makes it more difficult. On the top of that if there are educational differences at parent and child level, it feels a big challenge to be connected with these children.

They are hormonally upset with over work, stress of studying 19 subjects in the time of 4.5 years that too in depth. We as a parent feel bad about the constant stress they are undergoing.

How to tackle the situation…?

  • Let them have their own space: Don’t micromanage, don’t control and don’t ask too many questions!
  • Empathize: Make your child feel you understand his world and have sympathy towards him.
  • Treat them Well: Treat them as an adult, with respect and trust, showing confidence in their thoughts and action.
  • Stay in touch: Communicate frequently, be connected.
  • Support: Whenever a situation arises, share them your plan to help them out and with their consent, work on the actions
  • Understand their environment: Be aware of the environment, trends, styles and ways the young generation is going through in general. What they like, do and what is normal and right in their world may not be so as per your interpretation or definition.
  • Keep updated: Keep yourself updated about their domain, field, news etc. Keep sharing the same with them from time to time and discuss further if they are willing.
  • Motivate, compliment and encourage: Don’t compare or expect the skyhigh targets with your child.

Go gradually, think long term, leverage your colleagues, relatives and friends to make your child best of the best…


Dr Sunita Bagawade

Medical Content Writer
Bright EduWorld

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